Monday, June 2, 2008

D. Scott Elliff ~it looks as if you fell off the planet, played a video in both English and Spanish, explaining the process and/or methodology for ..

Any employee of the State of Texas that lies to a parent regarding their child should remember....ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia ~"a consequence from an abuse to a use is not valid"

originally published on the

D. Scott Elliff ~it looks as if you fell off the planet, played a video in both English and Spanish, explaining the process and/or methodology for ...

the actions and demeanor of prosecuting attorney Melissa Daylong.

All students prosecuted in JP Courts and/or punished on the Federally Funded CCISD taxpayers tab should be punished by only one not both.

A child suspended and subsequently charged in court is double jeopardy and violates federal law.

Thank you,


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